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Pillsbury Free Library
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Pillsbury Free Library » Child Safety Policy

Child Safety Policy

Approved February 19, 2013


The Pillsbury Free Library aims to be a safe and pleasant place, and to function as a resource for all. In accordance with commonly accepted library usage policies and the ALA Library Bill of Rights, library materials and most library services are available to any cardholder regardless of age. To ensure safe and appropriate behavior of children, this policy defines the level of supervision and care the Library expects parents and/or guardians to provide.


The Pillsbury Free Library welcomes children to use its facilities and services and expects the responsibility of the care, safety, and behavior of children to rest with the parent/guardian or caregiver. A caregiver must be at least 12 years of age.

Supervision levels

Parents are responsible for ensuring their children follow the library rules.

Children under age 6 must have a parent or caregiver in the immediate vicinity unless participating in a library program for which they have been registered.

Children under 8 must have a parent or caregiver in the building unless participating in a library program for which they have been registered.

Children between the ages of 8 and 11 must have a supervising parent or caregiver in the library for any stay exceeding one hour, other than while attending a program for which the child has been registered.

If a child under 12 is unaccompanied by an adult or appropriate-aged caregiver for more than an hour, or exhibits behaviors of concern to staff while a parent is absent, the staff will follow procedures for emergencies and closings.

If the parent is not going to be in the building while the child is attending a program, the parent must ensure there is a viable contact method known to staff.

Children under age 12 may not be in the elevator without their parent or caregiver.

Parents giving children between 12 and 18 permission to be in the Library need to be sure their children are aware of the rules and expectations (see Code of Conduct policy), and know who to contact in an emergency. If their behavior is inappropriate they may be asked to leave. If asked to leave, a parent or guardian will be notified as soon as possible, or if unknown, a message will be left with the Police Department.

Unaccompanied Children

Parents are responsible for ensuring their children know and abide by the library rules.

All children should know or carry the telephone number of one or more people who can assist them in an emergency, or if they are asked by staff to leave the building.

Children exhibiting inappropriate behavior will be informed of Library rules and the Code of Conduct policy (available in the building and on the website). If inappropriate behavior continues, the child shall be asked to leave the Library or their parent shall be asked to remove them.

The library is not responsible for activity outside the building.

Computers and the Internet

The library has public Internet computers, and open wireless Internet access, which are not filtered or password protected. Due to CIPA and other legal considerations, the staff will NOT allow a child under 18 to use the Library’s Internet computers without parental permission, as stated in the Computer Use and Internet Safety Policy. Once parental permission has been given, the staff will not restrict or supervise the child’s computer use except to ensure that library rules are followed. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to oversee children’s use of the library’s computers and Internet access.

See also Related Policies:

WHO MAY USE THE LIBRARY [Approved Dec 21, 2004, modified Nov. 2012]

CODE OF CONDUCT POLICY (Approved November 2012)


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