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Updated App for OverDrive Downloads

This news was posted Oct 11, 2012

October 11: OverDrivea��s Mobile Apps for Android and iOS Updated!

“Wea��re happy to announce the release of OverDriveA� Media Consolea�? v2.6 for Androida�? and iOS (iPhoneA� / iPadA� / iPod touchA�). With this release wea��re bringing the OverDrive-powered website browsing experience inside the app. Now that the browser is part of the app users will be able to open the website directly from the app.”

Other updates includea��

  • Audiobook player redesigned in both OMC for Android and OMC for iOS.
  • iPhone 5 support in OMC for iOS.
  • ActionBar support for OMC for Android in Honeycomb (and newer).
  • Goodreads added to the sharing options.

Wea��ve also added analytics to OMC v2.6. OMC for Android and iOS now use Google Analytics to compile anonymous usage data. Wea��ll use this data to make decisions about the features on which we should focus in future versions of OMC. We do not collect personally identifiable information. Users can opt-out of sending anonymous usage data in the app.

This release also includes bug fixes and performance updates.

The system requirements remain the same. The free apps can be installed on phones and devices runninga��

  • Android v2.1 (or newer)
  • iOS v4.2 (or newer)

The updated app is available from:


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