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Pillsbury Free Library
Serving Warner, NH since 1892
Mon 10-12 & 1-5
Tue 9-12 & 1-8
Wed 1-5
Thu 9-12 & 1-6
Sat 9-2
Pillsbury Free Library » Book Sales

Book Sales

The library holds a book and bake sale every year on Columbus Weekend in October during the Warner Fall Foliage Festival. Hours are Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM to about 4 PM.

Proceeds benefit the Library and 15% goes to the Fall Foliage Festival fund to be used on projects in the Town of Warner.

WeA�accept donated books from the last week of September, (in small boxes, please!)A�until the Thursday before the sale.A�Please bring clean donations to the lower level of the library (Depot St. side) by Thursday, Oct. 10, 2013

HELP needed!A�A�We rely on volunteersA�to help sort and sell. Please call 456-2289, come in, or contact us here.

Other Sales:

We sometimes hold a smaller sale in mid-May during the Spring into Warner Arts Celebration, and have an ongoingA�small shelf of items for sale in the stairwell hallway all year. Please call before bringing books to donate, as our book sale display and storage space is limited.

During summer months, books may be donated to the Warner Historical Society barn sale. Other locations include the Warner Transfer and Recycling Station, or Goodwill or the Salvation Army in Concord.

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