Policy on Adopting New Policies, and on Reviewing and Amending Existing Policies
(Originally Adopted July 15, 2008) Revised 2022
- New policies may be suggested by any Library Trustee, the Library Director, or
any Library Committee at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.
a. The Policy Committee may be directed to review the proposed Policy, research
the issue for existing Policy samples, RSA’s, or best practices, and draft a Policy. - Existing Policies should be reviewed, updated or amended, and re-adopted on a regular basis
(ideally at least every 5 years, or more frequently as needed) to ensure that they cover
changes in technology, laws, regulations, etc.
a. The Policy Committee will review each Policy, research revised RSA’s, examine
other library standards and best practices, and draft any needed changes to the
Policy. - The Policy Committee will provide a copy of the Policy to the Trustees for review before
bringing the Policy to the Board for a 1st read; the Board’s Agenda will list Policies
being presented.
a. The Board will decide if the Policy is ready and/or make any suggested changes.
b. The Board will also decide if the Policy needs to be reviewed by a lawyer before
being adopted. - After any necessary legal review and/or changes, the Board will be given another chance—
the 2nd read—to review the Policy before the next regular meeting; the Board’s Agenda
will list any Policies being put up for a Vote.
a. If no substantive changes are made, the Board may now Vote. - All new, reviewed, and amended Policies require a majority vote.
Adopted: 2022-05-17
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